We've resolved most of edge case issues that came up as a result of the system updates. We have a few more tweaks on the way. We're going to consider the state of the test runner system to be normal again. We'll add an Intercom notice and encourage users to reach out with any remaining issues.
Posted Jul 16, 2019 - 21:14 PDT
More small fixes continue to roll out as we address various edge cases that were affected by the updates. Once again, please reach out if you run into issues with test failing after the system update.
Posted Jul 16, 2019 - 16:37 PDT
A number of tweaks have been deployed to address various edge cases that have popped up. We're still investigating an issue with file uploads on hidden elements in Chrome, as well as assignments on hidden inputs in Chrome. Details to follow.
Posted Jul 16, 2019 - 13:10 PDT
We are investigating issues related to uploading files in tests using Chrome.